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3 posts tagged with "life"

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· One min read

Today is my first day to move my web house to Netifly, Thanks Docusaurus and Netifly I could show my web house on internet without any extra costing. All what you need is a github account. Generally you should need some knowlage of node.js or how to use npm or yarn. I should write down sth. here later how to do it for myself or for who needs a similar website like me.

· 2 min read

Why today I still use a personal Blog for my IT-Journey?!

It is not easy to answer, surely today Twitter, IG or Facebook are more pop in our life. There you could post your interested things very fast with some clicks, but here when I land in blog then I have my time to write down sth. to myself. Surely also to who is interested in my blog.

Generally, I use the following social tools for my IT-Journey:

  • technical tools ⇒ 1.freeCodeCamp📌 2. CodePen📌 3. Leetcode 4. GitHub📌
  • social community ⇒ 1. Blog📌 2. Twitter📌 3. LinkedIn (4. YouTube also not a bad idea)
  • IT-comminity ⇒ 1. DEV📌 2. Stack Overflow
  • personal collection ⇒ It is on the way to build📌 at my web house you could also view sth. about me

· One min read

Hallo My friends, It took me surely a little time to land at a personal blogger, where I can blog my IT journey and technical skills. Before going on, just some profile about me: a tireless middle-aged man speaking CN (first language), graduated from Germany Uni, working on energy industry branch, three years (yes beginning of COVID-19💥) ago, I planned my career for what I love in my life journey. Bingo, it names coding. Although during my last job there was also some PHP work, it is too simple and not every day, it couldn't make me feel I was coding.