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Updated my Algorithms Template in Documentation

I'm thrilled to share with you that I've been hard at work updating my algorithms, and the results have been fantastic. By staying up-to-date with the latest techniques and approaches in the industry, I was able to optimize my code and make it run faster and more efficiently. These updates have not only improved the performance of my applications, but they have also given me a deeper understanding of how to solve complex problems.

· 2 min read

Using JS knowlage to build up my PHP skill

In my career, I have learned the basics of PHP, and it has been an important skill for me. However, I wanted to take my PHP skills to the next level and decided to enroll in freeCodeCamp's Frontend and Algorithms course. After completing the course and earning my certificate, I found it easier and faster to build upon my existing PHP knowledge.

The freeCodeCamp course provided a comprehensive understanding of frontend technologies, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It also taught me how to solve problems using algorithms, which has been helpful in my PHP development work. I was impressed with the quality of the course material and the interactive learning experience.

· 2 min read

The general process of product development can be roughly divided into the following stages:

  1. Requirements analysis: The product manager and relevant personnel collect, organize and analyze user requirements, and output requirement documents.

  2. Prototype design: Based on the requirement documents, the product manager designs the product prototype, and confirms and modifies it with relevant personnel.

  3. UI/UE design: The UI designer designs the prototype UI graphics based on the product prototype design, and confirms and modifies them accordingly.

· One min read

Today is my first day to move my web house to Netifly, Thanks Docusaurus and Netifly I could show my web house on internet without any extra costing. All what you need is a github account. Generally you should need some knowlage of node.js or how to use npm or yarn. I should write down sth. here later how to do it for myself or for who needs a similar website like me.

· 2 min read

It's so unbelievable after the first own project with JS, how excited I am for coding. The last new project Timer 25-5 makes me so enjoyable. I wished I could start coding every day after my high school. COVID-19 is a terrible thing but at another side it made me a new journey 💪 which can lead me a new start.

· One min read

Surely it is not a big job for someone who code well with JS, but for me, it is a great step in my JS career. Below is a screen cut for reference. In a few days I will blog again how to make my JS algorithm and some other projects what are done in 2022. It stays now in codepen, but I will let it be viewed through link from my blog.

Tomato Clock

· 2 min read

Why today I still use a personal Blog for my IT-Journey?!

It is not easy to answer, surely today Twitter, IG or Facebook are more pop in our life. There you could post your interested things very fast with some clicks, but here when I land in blog then I have my time to write down sth. to myself. Surely also to who is interested in my blog.

Generally, I use the following social tools for my IT-Journey:

  • technical tools ⇒ 1.freeCodeCamp📌 2. CodePen📌 3. Leetcode 4. GitHub📌
  • social community ⇒ 1. Blog📌 2. Twitter📌 3. LinkedIn (4. YouTube also not a bad idea)
  • IT-comminity ⇒ 1. DEV📌 2. Stack Overflow
  • personal collection ⇒ It is on the way to build📌 at my web house you could also view sth. about me

· One min read

Hallo My friends, It took me surely a little time to land at a personal blogger, where I can blog my IT journey and technical skills. Before going on, just some profile about me: a tireless middle-aged man speaking CN (first language), graduated from Germany Uni, working on energy industry branch, three years (yes beginning of COVID-19💥) ago, I planned my career for what I love in my life journey. Bingo, it names coding. Although during my last job there was also some PHP work, it is too simple and not every day, it couldn't make me feel I was coding.

· One min read
Sébastien Lorber
Yangshun Tay

Docusaurus blogging features are powered by the blog plugin.

Simply add Markdown files (or folders) to the blog directory.

Regular blog authors can be added to authors.yml.

The blog post date can be extracted from filenames, such as:

  • 2019-05-30-welcome/

A blog post folder can be convenient to co-locate blog post images:

Docusaurus Plushie

The blog supports tags as well!

And if you don't want a blog: just delete this directory, and use blog: false in your Docusaurus config.